Sculptures of Shamlaji temple in Gujarat not only presents the stories from Hindu mythologies but also depicts lifestyle of those golden days. Human, animals..their way of life is presented here through various carved panels on the walls of the temple. Let’s go through some of them:

The above panel shows the Shiva Linga puja performed by two of royal men. On other side, we can see dancers and musicians. The panel also shows the dresses and ornaments in details.

Simple but elegant. Royal families looking out of galleries. A lady in the center got an unique hair style and a bindi on her forehead.

Gurukul, an ancient style of schools. With the norms of learning and discipline, pupils used get knowledge from their gurus while staying at Gurukul.

An unique panel shows the scene of childbirth in standing position. Two ladies assisting the pregnant one in standing and delivering the baby. Putting her hands on her knees, the mother is pushing the baby out in the new world.

Entertainment is the need of the life. A panel depicts some of indoor game played by two elders. Per my understanding, I found it the game. It can a trade place or a war planning (as there is a guy with sword behind).

A Royal Wedding! Groome is ready while bride is arriving in the palakhi. Couple of musicians and couple of soldiers, kind of perfect marriage party.

Domestic animals of all time, Camel – the ship of the dessert and Horse – the warlord.
See more about Sculptures of Shamlaji Temple:
- Shamlaji Temple
- Sculptures of Shamlaji Temple
- Ashta Matrika of Shamlaji
- Krishna Leelas at Shamlaji
- Ramayana at Shamlaji Temple
- Lord Ganesha of Shamlaji
- Kamasutra at Shamlaji Temple
- Deities of Shamlaji