Pushkar Market is no official place but It’s an amazing streetside market near the great Pushkar lake. From art and crafts to weaponry, you can enjoy colors of Rajasthan in the lanes of Pushkar.

The market lanes are decorated with Rajasthani clothing, artifacts and various items which will decorate your home. One can street circus in play in the mid of the crowded roads, Snake Charmer with his King Kobra and many such amazing people around. Devotees visiting this King of Tirthas, hindu sacred places, do take bath in the holy lake of Pushkar. Lanes between the lake and the main Lord Brahma Temple is known as Pushkar Market. Small, big.. there are almost 540 temples around the lake. This makes it more busy place all the time.
Pushkar market is mainly famous for the shops with weaponry. Daggers, swords, axes, you name it, they have it! Weapons sold in the market are just for decoration and are not ready to use. Daggers and sword are used during Hindu marriage as a weapon of groom as a tradition.

Apart from shopping, one can enjoy variety of food and drinks. Cold sweet lassi in hot day at Pushkar is the best treat and relief.

Pushkar is a perfect blend of traditional and modern values. While keeping the legends alive, the town adapted the modern technology and way of living seamlessly.

Read about my Motorbike Trip to Pushkar Market