Annai Indira Gandhi Road Bridge is also known as the Pamban Bridge that connects the Rameshwaram island with the mainland. It is the longest sea bridge in India and its length is nearly 2.2 kms and stands as a fine example for Indian architecture. The bridge was constructed with sufficient elevation. The islands nearby and parallel rail bridge below can be viewed from this bridge.
A portion of the bridge opens up likes a pair of scissors to let the ship pass under it, this reminds those amazing bridges in river Thames of London.
The rail bridge was built in 1913. with stones brought from a distance of 320 km. and sand from 160 kms. The bridge was constructed on 145 stone pillars. On December 22,1964, a devastating cyclone destroyed part of this bridge. The Indian engineers rebuilt it in exactly 45 days and made it operational once again. Truly a proud for India!